The strength of the Royal Gorge Chamber Alliance has long been its core of dedicated and hardworking volunteers. Today, dozens of individuals, across six committees, generously donate their time each month to make the Alliance the go-to business organization in the Royal Gorge Region. Their passion and energy have been instrumental in shaping our organization.
Becoming engaged in a committee creates an amazing opportunity to make connections with fellow professionals to build long lasting relationships. Our six volunteer committees span across all facets of the RGCA, offering ways to use your interests and skills for the advancement of the Royal Gorge Region!
Not sure if a committee is right for you?
We encourage anyone to join us for a meeting on a trial basis to get a better idea of how a committee operates. We are certain there is something for everyone. Should you have additional questions, you can contact the chairs directly.
Upcoming Committee Meetings
Ambassador Committee
The Ambassadors serve as the main volunteer outreach committee for the RGCA. They have several functions, but the main focus is engaging and retaining our current members, as well as identifying and inviting new prospective businesses to become members of the Alliance. This committee shares the benefits of the Alliance, welcomes new members, hosts monthly membership networking and appreciation events, assists with member ribbon cuttings and identifies potential new members.
Meeting Time: 1st Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m.
Time Commitment: 3-5 hours per month avg.
Committee Chair:
Gerald Willis with Royal Gorge Philharmonic
Communications Development Committee
This committee is focused on marketing and communications and the related technology that help our members connect with each other, the Royal Gorge Chamber Alliance, and our region as a whole. The committee is integral in working to protect and promote our brand by facilitating both internal and external communications and marketing initiatives across all platforms, media, website, radio, social media, eBlasts, newsletters and press releases. Members facilitate marketing and promotion efforts related to RGCA signature events and monthly member promotion initiatives.
Meeting Time: 2nd Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m.
Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month avg.
Committee Chair:
Laurie Haak with Fremont360
Fundraising & Events Committee
This committee is tasked with creating and facilitating unique and special occasions that will provide opportunities for our members to connect and engage with one another. This fun and lively group is responsible for the many signature events produced by the RGCA and partner organizations. They support and collaborate with other committees such as the Ambassadors and Marketing Development, where responsibilities may overlap. Committee members have the opportunity to participate at Alliance events and programs.
Meeting Time: 2nd Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m.
Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per month avg.
Committee Co-Chairs:
Carla Braddy with Coming Home Realty/The Hive
Gail Dexter with Royal Gorge Bridge & Park
Government Affairs Committee
This committee is responsible for strengthening Alliance relationships with all local, regional and state government officials. This committee stays at the forefront of governmental issues as well as state, county and city legislation that could impact our members or business community. They facilitate and support candidate forums and other opportunities for the business community to be more informed and involved.
Meeting Time: contact us
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month avg.
Committee Chair:
Bob Stovall with Gain-Stovall P.R.
Programming Committee
The Programming Committee's role is to plan and implement educational programs that strenghten your businesses by identifying relevant topics, vetting and scheduling potential speakers. This committee focuses on creating and coordinating engaging opportunities for members to expand their knowledge, grow their businesses and connect with other business owners.
Meeting Time: contact us
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month avg.
Committee Chair:
Small Business Alliance Committee
Small Businesses champion the economic diversity and vitality of Fremont County. The RGCA’s newest committee was formed to focus efforts on the unique needs of our region’s many small businesses and direct access to resources that support them. This committee is focused on Alliance partnerships and collaborations with the local agencies and organizations that provide specialized tools and education that small businesses and their owners can readily deploy in their day to day operations to maximize success. This committee will be a resource of community knowledge and connection for any Alliance member and new businesses looking to grow and prosper in the Royal Gorge Region. This committee will facilitate members to be the best version of themselves, both personally and professionally, by creating exciting and relevant events, educational programs, workshops and other specialized programming to bring these businesses, individuals and our region closer together.
Meeting Time:
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per month avg.
Committee Chair: contact us
Lori Leonard with Salon de Cheveux/Gift Chateau/Leonard & Sons Window Washing