Business Networking
The Royal Gorge Region's Premier Business Networking Experience
Why should you network? Stats show that 75-80 percent of networking creates new business. It’s been said that if you want to make more money, shake more hands! These monthly gatherings are a not-to-be-missed opportunity to boost your business and expand your alliances.
BOOK NOW! If you own, or work for a business in the region that wants to be featured, then fill out a host form online to reserve your month to shine. This opportunity is available to any chamber member enrolled at Silver Level or above.

Host Responsibilities:
- Book your month on our website
- Offer a selection of appetizers • Get your employees involved
- Have a dedicated space for 75-125 guests
- The event should reflect the host’s personality and style. Feel free to display any promotional materials and run specific incentives or giveaways as specials to attendees.
- 4-6 weeks in advance: send a hi-resolution logo and basic details of your business for our marketing package
- Plan for tours of your facilities (if applicable)
- Provide raffle prizes to our specifications
- Have fun!
Chamber Responsibilities:
- Chamber Ambassadors will perform a site visit to assist with logistical planning
- Chamber will provide additional support, prizes, and greeters.
- Business programming to add value to attendees.
$1000+ VALUE: Extensive marketing package
- Social Media: event listed, and posts before and during the event
- Customized fliers eBlasted to 2,000+ addresses and distributed at Chamber events up to a month prior to your BAH
- Chamber Website Event listing with online registration
- Professional Video recording/production services available